Stop the pressure! A simplified Guide to Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Pressure Ulcer Management.
Stop the pressure! A simplified Guide to Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Pressure Ulcer Management.

Pressure ulcer development has become a key indicator of the quality of nursing care within the acute and secondary care setting. Since July 2012, all NHS organisations have been expected to collect data of harm, which includes pressure ulcer prevalence using the NHS Safety Thermometer.
Protection of the individual patient from pressure damage is a fundamental aspect of nursing care and it is seen as the responsibility of every clinician to take appropriate measures to avoid this happening. Pressure ulcers can affect patients in every healthcare setting and are seen in all age groups.
Our new Simplified Guides on Pressure Ulcers Prevention and Pressure Ulcer Management, provide a succinct guide covering the definition and grading of pressure ulcers, hot spots for the development of pressure ulcers, as well as including information on medical device related pressure ulcers. It also includes a general guide to help reduce the risks of pressure ulcers and how to implement appropriate treatment when needed.
To read our newly updated Simplified Guides click here.
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